So I had to edit my files and resubmit again for Brody and the Skypirates, but that's okay, it helps to ensure that I get what I want. I even made a little logo for the back of my children's books. I've written the sequel to Brody and the Skypirates, now I just have to illustrate it. ;0)
After a few hours of erasing things from my images and replacing them in different spots... adding an author page and an end page... Adding skypirate productions to the back.. I have now resubmitted Brody and the Skypirates for review. Sigh.. I hope they do it fast and replace the images like they did with the first one... then I get to order another proof. Let's hope I got it right this time.
There is no feeling out there quite like holding your own book. Today the proof came from Brody and the Skypirates, and it feels GOOD! Yes, there are things that I am going to have to fix. But damn, it feels good! It is even done in a way that I think is truly unique and AWESOME! Today is a good day!
So after the longest process ever, Barnes and noble has FINALLY put the eBook version of Brody and the Skypirates up. It has been processing since the 13th! Craziness! Here's a link. :0) I can only imagine how long it will take to get it linked to the printed version! Hmm, but it seems that only the link takes you to the book.. if you search for my name or the book title... it do
Having a little Snoopy dance.. all of my proofs have made it into the post.. now just have to wait until they make it to me... Ants in my pants!
So I am happy to say that I am currently waiting on the proofs for Brody and the Skypirates as well as, you guessed it, Bella Notte! My second children's illustrated book, What is a Rue-Rue?, is currently in review, but should be moving onto the proof stage soon. My edits for Bella Vita are going good. I am finally on chapter five. I know it's been a while, but as soon as I get a handle on everything, then I will start working on writing Bella Tristezza again.. I miss it.. but editing Bella Vita is really useful as it will remind me as to what I was doing in the first place.. yes, even us writers forget where we were going with something. I know the end results, but sometimes the getting there can and does change a lot in the process. The ebook of Brody and the Skypirates isn't moving at all.. which is okay, it is a book that should be held in ones hands and not seen on a black and white device. Still only 3 sales.. I think that is a total of a whooping 70 cents in profits for me! HA HA! I seriously need to figure out how to get a following with my blog so when I write stuff it is out in the world...
So B&S is now on Amazon as an eBook. Barnes and Noble is still processing it. I'm currently uploading to Smashwords as we speak... Should be ordering my proof tomorrow (well, really today now) and once that arrives I will be able to get the print version up! Self-publishing is all trial and error, ups and downs, lots of questions... but in the end, having your first sale is AWESOME!
Jesse Kimmel-Freeman
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July 2017
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