So I'm giving you a regularly scheduled check up. Life has been chaotic as usual. Things don't run like a normal household at Casa de Jesse. Nope. I'm a writer, but I'm also a mom and a homeschooler. Yes, I homeschool my monsters. My son managed to take on both 1st and 2nd grade this year (our first year at homeschooling actually!) But that takes only a piece of my time. My 3 year isn't quite a "preschooler" yet, but we still are working on the concepts that go along with preschool. But with her it isn't as stressed to get it done since she's only 3. Besides homeschooling and writing, I'm also a freelance editor/graphic designer, and one of the editors/graphic designers for Lanico Media House. And hopefully in a month I'll have everything in order to go back to school! Yes, you read that right. I want to go back to school on top of everything else I have going on! I can't just sit idly (yes, I think this is basically idle) by and not learn new things... I'm thinking Cyber Security this time around.

My son did soccer for the first time. His team lost every game, but they definitely improved from their first one so I guess that's a plus. My 3 year old is playing t-ball now. It's her first "team" sport. Come the Fall they'll both be in soccer... lots of driving to the major-ish city by us.
We finally got an appointment for my son to go to the oncologist! It took 2 years and now we've had to reschedule it twice because the insurance got all wonky for a while, but hopefully it all works perfect for July and he can finally get another clean bill of health! He's been cancer-free for 5 years! YES! Ssh, most people don't know we survived that. I wear a ring I got when he first was diagnosed with neuroblastomia. It says COURAGE on the front and on the inside it says BE BRAVE. I never take it off. It's my reminder of what we've been through and what being brave and having courage can mean. I never wish my meanings of them on any other parent. May all the kids of the world stop having cancer because it SUCKS! Moving on from that...

Okay, I think that's all for now. I'll try to be a better poster... but let's be honest, this took forever for me to write with the crazy monsters causing me to stop every two seconds and I could be editing The Defected right now... I think I have about 40-50 more pages left on edits before I can work on format and design! You guys are gonna like it! And it will definitely be a series!
So I leave you with....
Apple pie bites... because, I can. ;)