Frequently Asked Questions (F. A. Q.)
What does the title mean?
Bella Notte means beautiful night
Bella Vita means beautiful life
Bella Tristezza means beautiful sadness
Bella Morte means beautiful death
When will it be released?
As of right now, this book has not been picked up and as such it does not have a release date. But as soon as I know it will be posted.
Do you have an agent/publisher?
Not at the moment. But once this has been established this will be updated.
What is Bella Notte about?
Bella Notte is a vampire story with a twist. When you first meet the heroine of the story- she is human. She has a dream about this guy, who she meets and falls in love with. Some stuff happens. She finds out she's betrothed. Some stuff happens.. she's a vampire. I don't really want to give stuff away too much. So that's the best I can do for now.
Is it a love story?
I think that all stories have some element of love to them- yes, even the horror ones. But I would have to say that Bella Notte is a love story at heart.
What causes Emma's change into a vampire?
Emma changes into a vampire biologically- meaning it is in her genetics.
Did you start this book before or after reading the other vampire related books?
I would have to say no. I've read vampire books most of my reading life. For some strange reason I am drawn to the creatures of the night- but it is this fascination with them that has brought about this awesome book.
Do you think the public needs more?
Of course! Just because Meyer has released the last book in her Twilight Saga, does not mean that the entire genre is just going to stop! There are other nuts out there like me that LOVE vampires whether they sparkle in the sun or attack people in dark alleys (take a flashlight with you at least people! Come on!)... there will always be a desire to know the unknown, and vampires are very much so the unknown- it's one of those qualities that people love about them. And probably why we love to write about them as authors- we can create as much as we want as there isn't a lot of folks that are going to come forward and tells us we are wrong- vampires don't really want to reveal themselves like that, you know?
Do you believe in writer's block, and if you do, how do you overcome it?
WRITERS BLOCK exists and it is when my inner muse is on strike about some cause she has heard about and feels that I am not being active enough about... which this can be anything from world hungry to the stray cats in my alley! The best way to overcome this is to keep writing... even if it is on something else... just don't let the block stop you completely... You might just end up with just a sentence after hours of struggling with your muse to open the dang door and let the words come (I mean what the devil is wrong with her??) but eventually (it might take a bit of time so be patient) she'll come out and tell you her new plan for helping her cause (which you politely respond that you want to think about it because it is such an awesome idea that you don't want to rush it) and she will happily go back to work! :)
Where did the names come from?
Emma was just a name I got off a movie box, Alex and Emma, when I wanted something short and easily remembered.
Michael came from my neighbor who is Irish, and I thought 'hey I'm writing about an Irish guy, I should name him Mike!'
Dominic was not originally Dominic, nor was he Italian. Originally, Dominic was Dimitri and they were Russian... I decided that I liked Italy better.
How long have you been writing for?
I've been writing as long as I could write. I used to get in trouble for day dreaming in class when I a little girl, where do you think all that day dreaming went to? :)
Is this the first book you have written, or have there been others that just haven't been published?
Bella Notte is my first book, I know to write a series as your first go? Utter insanity. But I couldn't get the story completely out in one go, so it had to be more than one book. I used to write short stories and poetry. The only thing ever published of mine was a small poem when I was in high school. Maybe I should post up some of my short stories somewhere... a thought for later I suppose.
What made you want to write Bella Notte?
That is a tough one. I've been reading vampire stories for as long as I can remember, I have an obsession with them. Now that doesn't mean if any real vamps are reading this that they should come and visit me, I have a son now that I have to put first in my mind, but feel free to send me an email (address provided below). I really do believe in mythical creatures (i.e. vampires, werewolves, fairies, etc.) and no I don't believe I am completely nuts. I just have a very active imagination. Anyways, back to my thought, I've been reading about them forever and I read the recent YA vampire stories and felt like they were clearly missing my take on things, so it became time to add to the growing genre! I mean, my vampires and werewolves are different, or so I think so. So what I am trying to say is that I wanted my version out there too... so I wrote it down. :)
That is all the questions that have I been asked so far... if you have any others feel free to shot me an email: [email protected]. Thanks again for all of your support!