Let's start off by seeing what the company says about it:
Skinny Jane helps women lose weight and be healthier and happier. We offer two weight loss challenges on our website, skinnyjane.com. The weight loss challenges come with the Skinny Jane Quick Slim Kit, which is the product we are offering for this promotion. The Kit includes:
Skinny Blend is the best-tastingweight loss shake on the market! It has a special blend of 7 proteins that will curb your appetite for up to 4 hours and energize you. One serving has just 100 calories, only 1 gram of sugar, 3 grams of fiber and 12 grams of protein. Skinny Blend will boost your protein intake so you keep your metabolism high while you are losing weight. You will love the Skinny Blend Shakes!
Skinny Burn is a great weight loss and fat burning supplement. It has 9 ingredients that work synergistically to help speed up your metabolism, boost your energy, and control your appetite. It contains Raspberry Ketones that have been proven to be very effective in burning body fat along with other ingredients that speed up your metabolism and curb your appetite.
Skinny Cleanse is a great weight loss aid because it will cleanse your body by removing toxins and impurities from your system. In turn, your body will be a much better fat burning machine. This is a gentle cleanse that is very safe and does not cause any stomach discomfort.
To see a list of ingredients on our weight loss products, please visit skinnyjane.com
The Review:
Does it help take off weight, yes, but I suspect that the week's weight loss was more water weight than anything else- that's the first thing you tend to lose on most weight loss programs. If you don't keep up with whatever you're doing, you're also likely to gain it back because it is just water weight.
The flavors are pretty decent for a weight loss program. That right there speaks wonder for the program. Some taste pretty bad.
The pills aren't ridiculously big or anything. They go down smooth.
I do, however, think that if you have the time to stick to the program, then you should probably find some time to do some exercising too. I'm not too fond of things that tell you what specifically you have to eat in order for their thing to work. I, for one, do not like pistachios. I'm not fond of most nuts.
If you're ready to dedicate some time and follow the directions, then I think this would be a good program for you. It's aimed at women, but maybe they have a male counterpart.