This is my absolutely favorite holiday! There are some seasons or times that just speak to me, they call out to the weird, out of the ordinary person that I am by nature... and this is it! Halloween is the best because I'd love to be able to dress up all year long! Does that make me a freak? Probably, but I don't care.
Back to the hop... You guys want prizes! Right?
1) GC to Amazon
2) Audiobook of Don't Be Afraid: 13 Urban Legends Retold
3) ebook of one of my books!
Sound good? Favorite holiday means more awesomeness for you guys! YEAH!
How to enter:
1. Follow me some way... the choice is yours. Options on the right side!
2. Then leave a comment with how you follow and why you like this time of year or if not why?
Ta-dah! That's it! Like magic!
Good luck! And HAPPY HALLOWEEN SEASON! Blessed Be!