- File Size: 4529 KB
- Print Length: 214 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Publisher: Hilary Shepard Ink (November 19, 2013)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- Rating: 4/5
TheRose, 15, lives in isolation in the last protected forest of The Americas with her mother Mooma and 9 year old sister, Bugbee. When their mom vanishes, the girls are forced to venture into a world poisoned by ‘The Big Sick.’ Following the secret map encoded in Mooma’s beaded necklace, TheRose and Bugbee must navigate the strange mall dwellings that the last vestiges of mankind are forced to live in order to survive—intent on solving the mystery of their mother’s disappearance. In the process, they discover the real story behind their father’s death, who the legendary enigmatic character Shesus really is and why they are all being relentlessly pursued by the sinister and all—powerful Govercorp, as the fate of the planet hangs in the balance.
Hilary has done an awesome job with the development of her characters. I feel like they could be walking around in the world- of course that could be because it's all based off a recurring dream she had!
This is a great YA book that touches on a lot of different topics that make it a good book for both parents and teens to read- gives you something to talk about. But it isn't just limited to YA readers. Adults can pick it up and get lost in the story and everything this awesome book has to offer.
The plot cruises along taking you on a wild ride that will keep you guessing and entertained as you forget the world around you and get caught up in the world of Shesus.
This is a great read. Check it out!
As an actor, I always loved to improvise. My favorite part I ever played, Divatox the Evil Queen in "Turbo: A Power Ranger Adventure" , was so enjoyable because the director Shuki Levy really let me fly! Most of the dialogue was what I made up on the spot, especially the humor.
As an actor, no matter what part I was playing, I always used my imagination to convince myself everything was really happening to me. I created a whole life for my character, a whole story. So when it comes to sitting down and writing, that creative energy really is the same. I sort of become each character and their stories, and the dialogue would just kind of flow through me.
Whenever anybody reads SHESUS they ask me- How did you come up with that futuristic world? Where did those characters come from? All I can say is I used the same technique as I did when I was acting and I'd inhabit that "SHESUS" world so completely. Hours would go by and when I was done I felt like I was really in another world for that time. It was exhilarating and all consuming, just like acting!
I am an actress, musician, game inventor and writer. As a member of the all girl band, IRS recording artists American Girls, I played bass, percussion and co- wrote all the songs on our 1986 (yikes) album. Our songs were in the movies Tough Guys and Troop Beverly Hills which I also appeared in. I've starred in over 23 movies- and had the most fun playing the evil queen, Divatox, in the movie Power Rangers: a Turbo Adventure (as well as on the series ) and I have my own action figures to prove it! I also re-occurred on the tv show Star Trek Deep Space 9 and appeared as a guest star on pretty much every iconic TV show from the 80ies and 90ies from Family Ties and Full House to the Golden Girls and Doctor Doctor, almost always with giant hair and in spandex. I also co-invented the award winning board games LIEbrary, Famous Last Lines, and Call it! with my best friend, actress Daryl Hannah. I co-created the CBC sitcom "Material World" that won a Geni for Best New Show and my personal essays have appeared on the websites Freshyarn, CrazySexyLife, and The Conversation. A proud breast cancer survivor, I was recovering from several surgeries when a friend took me to see a 90 year old tarot card reader who wanted to know why I sill hadn't written my book based on re- occurring dreams I had when I was little, I was pretty stunned when the psychic told me the actual name of the book -SHESUS and that it would change the lives of young girls and people everywhere. I had no other choice than to get off my butt and write the damn thing. A year later SHESUS was born, I live in Southern California with my two daughters, boyfriend and Toyger cat Fuego. SHESUS is my first novel. Buy the book and see if the psychic was right...