A constellation of the brightest lights in the Science Fiction and Fantasy firmament have judged these authors to be the best, the brightest, the truest emerging stars in the field.
From Alien Invasion to Alternate History, from Cyberpunk to Comic Fantasy to Post-Apocalyptic Worlds, these are the winning writers who have mastered every version and vision of sci-fi and fantasy.
Don’t be left behind. Get a read on what’s next.
“The Writers of the Future contest looks for people with the best imaginations who can see through the possibilities of the strangest and best ideas and tell stories that intrigue us and involve us.” —ORSON SCOTT CARD
Celebrate the 31st anniversary of the Writers of the Future contest and the 26th anniversary of the Illustrators of the Future contest
I got to check out last year's book as well. This is another amazing book filled with great talents. I wanna say that it has a little bit of something for everyone as long you want to read something for the future or the concept of the future.
Since the book comes about from the contest, this is a great collection of people that worked hard to showcase their genre. You'll love the stories, the art, and the feel of the book itself. The story placement also adds to how you receive the book, so that's important too.
The stories themselves range from Sci-Fi to Fantasy. From light hearted reads to hardcore Sci-Fi. This is the kind of book where you expect to find a work that fits with every Sci-Fi lover you know out there. Check it out and enjoy the beautiful artwork that comes along with it. I cannot wait until next year!
*I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.