I bet you didn't unless someone you loved (including yourself) has been struck by the disease.
Do you know that each and EVERY month is a cancer awareness month?
Most people don't. It's only the cancer support groups with the largest donations and biggest PR campaigns that get noticed.
I have nothing against support Breast Cancer Awareness, I've donated many times to several different organizations. I have loved ones that have survived the disease and are still fighting the battle.
But I also have a 5 year old son that is childhood cancer survivor (September is the month for that, but it's also lumped in with 8 other cancer awarenesses for that month!). My dad had prostate cancer (also September). My mom had a whole lot of different cancers, but the one that took the biggest toll on her was the lung (November).
I don't think there is a person I know that hasn't been struck by CANCER! It is a terrible illness that can make or break families, lives, futures, everything. We need to remember that each month we should celebrate cancer awareness- not just for ONE type of cancer. No! For the fight against ALL CANCERS!
January FebruaryMarch April
- National Cancer Prevention Month
- Gallbladder and Bile Duct Cancer Awareness Month
May June July September October November
- Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Month
- Testicular Cancer Awareness Month
- Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month