Today I've spent the day trying to figure out how I've let things go in terms of my books. I spend a lot of time working on others' books, so sometimes I forget about my stuff.
I released The Defected today! Somehow I managed to get the print version done and going before I had the ebook ready. But it all got done today. Once that was all finished I sat down and made myself a To-Do list to help me figure out what the heck I'm trying to do...
Since I've decided to re-edit, format, and design both BN & BV, I discovered there's a lot to be done. But I also figured out that Don't Be Afraid: 13 Urban Legends Retold was ONLY on Amazon... that's it. No print, no nothing. So I had to make an epub and get that out there! (It is by the way, now)...
So here's my To-Do list of doom!
* Fix interior of BN
* Fix interior of BV
* Fix BN Cover
* Fix BV Cover
* Find cover files -.-*
* Create print version of DBA (I got to check off make the epub!)
* Update books on here (let's face it my website and blog suffer the most when I'm overworked!)
* Add books to Smashwords (even though I absolutely DESPISE IT!)
* Add books to All Romance Ebooks (just so all my books are there - they sell non-romance books too you guys!)
* Fix BT for SW so they'll stop rejecting it. (Did I mention I hate them?!)
* Publish my short on my sister (Jen-Jen)
* Figure out if I can publish it since it's in an anthology!
* Add the shorts to all the BVS books (BT actually has it already, but I can't find the print doc file for BM so I'm going to have to rebuild it! GRR)
Now this list is just the stuff I've come up with today! I still need to prep for Camp NaNo next month. Finish two (maybe three) large projects I'm working on that aren't mine! And hopefully in about a month I'll be reapplying for school! Yes, I also home school my monsters and do think that sleep in a necessary evil.
How about you guys... what's on your To-Do list?