Let me explain. I just messaged #TaylorSwift on #Twitter in hopes of somehow connecting with her. Why you might be asking yourself. Well, for one thing, she is the only famous person I've really heard of that takes time to connect with her fans. And I am a fan! I've been on since I first heard her singing on those music awards so long ago in a black hoodie! That right there idolized her for me. Do I remember the year? Nope. Do I remember which awards show it was? Oh, heck no. What I remember was how she wasn't dressed in some fancy outfit, or with near nothing on, but a black hoodie and she was singing the first one of her songs that touched my heart! That was the moment when I became a Taylor Swift fan - that and Mom made sure I saw the performance and got me her CD for Christmas and man, do I miss Mom and that's a nice memory to hang on to.
But anyways, back to my point. Taylor often reaches out to her fans. I don't always know the details, but it's always trending somewhere about some new awesome thing she's done - another reason to love her! So I reached out to her. Will it get to her? I have no clue. I asked how people get in touch with her. I mean I have NO CLUE how someone in a world of billions connects with someone like her. But I took step one.

OMG COULD YOU IMAGINE?! So I stepped out of my comfort zone, and I sent a simple trying to connect message to a mega-star. Wow, saying that alone makes my tummy flip flop. Don't judge. We all have our things. I don't like stepping out of the norm and this was a big step for me. So here's to a response and her actually letting me send her a copy - even if she doesn't read it. Anyone know if she likes YA Paranormal Romance crossovers?
So Taylor, if you're reading, can I send you a book? It doesn't have to be a print copy. I know not everyone reads physical books anymore. And I swear I'm not a crazy person. Just a fan trying to pay the inspiration you provided back!