Like many other people have pointed out this book is best suited for people that are already published - indie writers to be exact. I do think that any writer can learn something from this book... I don't think that newbies won't learn anything from this book, I mean we can all learn from everyone's mistakes, right? But the book is meant for already published writers.
Rayne writers the Writer's Craft series and this is a piece of it. In this book she really looks at things like how to make an awesome cover and blurb that will bring readers to you. Through the 20 different chapters, Rayne looks at different things that might hinder you in getting those much desired sales and reviews. She does a good job at looking at promotions too. I love how she even looks at Twitter and what your tweets might do or not do.
If you're looking for a book that presents answers to a lot of common questions many writers face or haven't even thought about, this is the book for you. It does an excellent job at breaking things down and answering questions you didn't even know you had, but you totally did! I'd love to get a print copy of the book because I feel like it's something I'd happily go back and reference to recheck things! Check it out, at the time of this review it's only $0.99! That's $0.99 that could help you potentally make a ton more!
*I received a free copy of the ebook in exchange for an honest review through