Here's some of the important stuff:
Welcome to the 3rd Annual Authors in Bloom Blog Hop where you’ll learn a ton of new gardening tips and recipes over the next 10 days, PLUS the chance to win a number of great prizes! This year we have 80 authors and bloggers hosting giveaways which makes for AWESOME odds, not to mention the grand prize ereader and gift card. That’s right– you have the chance to win an ereader of your choice (kindle or nook, $200 value) and coinciding $25 gift card . This year we’ve added a second prize of $25 gift card redeemable with the bookseller of your choice.
GRAND Prizes:
1st: Kindle or Nook!
2nd: $25 Gift Card
How to enter for the grand prize:
LEAVE A COMMENT w/ Contact Info (i.e. email address!) ! Make sure you stop on each stop... that's the only way to be entered into the GRAND PRIZE!
Check below for my giveaway information!
A quick gardening tip:
If you drink coffee in the morning, use your grinds to help your plants grow! The grinds are great to mix into the soil for nutrients!
Also, when you're just planting a rose bush, if you throw a banana peel at the bottom of it... it will help it grow and FEED IT!
I'm really excited because the final book in my Bella Vampires Series is about to come out! So if you're interested grab the first one or the first 3.
Bella Notte (Book 1):
Vampires? Check. Werewolves? Check. Death prophecy to hang over your head? Double check. Seventeen year old Emma Hutchinson struggles to find her place in the world she has been born to as she tries to decide whether she should be with Michael, the boy she has been dreaming about since she was three or if she belongs with Dominic, her betrothed.
Prize: $10 GC to Amazon!
How to enter: Follow in some way (tons of choices on the right side bar), and let me know in your comment how you do it!
That's it!