The web's first Martial Arts for Kids MOOC (Massive Open Online Classroom).
Although the primary benefit of training in the system is self defense children will also gain in other areas. Such as:
Respect- They will learn the protocols and meanings of these protocals. these are designed to teach respect for oneself and others.
Discipline- Our martial arts instruction is inspiring. Children will be inspired to work hard and will thereby naturally develop self discipline.
Physical Fitness - Classes are energetic. Kids will get lots of exercise.
Coordination - Shou' Shu' develops coordination. Especially due to that large amount of cross lateral motions. Cross lateral motions have been shown to enhance learning. Especially helpful for kids with ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia or similar.
Ant-Bullying - Kids will learn to understand how to prevent bullying as well as determining threat level and appropriate responses.
Fun - classes your child is sure to enjoy!
The program includes 13 lessons and a handbook.
We've been teaching the self defense art of Shou' Shu' Kung Fu professionally since 1995. We pioneered the teaching of children in this art. Having perfected the teaching system ovdr the last 19 years we are now bringing the experience online.
The scarcity of martial arts schools teaching a self defense art (in contrast to a sport karate) has prompted us to develop this online curriculum. Making it available in the convenience of your home.
My review:
I really like the idea. I do think that part of the "experience" of taking any sort of class is being in a room filled with other people- something that's missing from the online experience. But going to an actual class might not be an option for everyone- there's nothing really in our small town, so this would be something I'd look into for my kids anyways. So maybe I should break this down into pros and cons that I've discovered....
* Definitely a great option for those that don't have a lot of choices for extra activities for their kids.
* Teaching is broken down into crisp, understandable descriptions with accompanying movements.
* Everything is explained- even the meanings of things.
* Has a handbook (Great for older kids!).
* Fun to watch, the instructor is engaging and pleasant.
* If my son actually practiced with it, I think he could really learn from it.
* No social element since it's done entirely online. Maybe one day they can have it with live webcam feeds or something.
* The webcam they use goes out of focus sometimes which can be frustrating, but it usually corrects itself quickly.
* If you don't have a uniform, there's an entire lesson that will mean absolutely nothing to you.
* A little harder for younger kids to focus through. My son (he's 6) would get bored as the instructor broke down the meaning behind each movement. And my daughter (she's 2), only stayed around for a few minutes before she found something better to do. This doesn't mean that it won't keep your kids entertained or that they won't learn anything. It just means that it might be harder for younger kids to really get the most out of it.
So, test it out. Discover if it's a good fit with your kids! You might have found the next BIG thing for them! :D Make sure you enter the giveaway!