Did you always want to be a writer? If not, then what?
I can’t remember not wanting to be a writer or rather not being a writer. I started making up stories and poems when I was in grade school and continued into high school. In college I wrote a column for the university newspaper and majored in English. I write technical, training and marketing materials during the day and romance novels in my spare time.
Do your readers contact you? If so, what do they say?
I do get emails and facebook posts from my readers. Every time I get a note it makes me smile and encourages me to keep writing. They are usually thanking me for writing Take A Deep Breath and letting me know they want to read my next book. A lot of readers have experience panic attacks in their lives and can relate to the main characters.
For aspiring writers, what three pieces of good advice would you give them?
The best advice I have for aspiring writers is to keep writing. Try to find five or ten minutes a day to write and don’t give up.
Do you have a favorite of your own books?
Well…Take A Deep Breath is the first book I’ve published and holds a special place in my heart as it is my “you can do it book!” I am in the middle of revisions on my second book called, “Take Your Time.” I really like this story too - this is my “it’s not a fluke- you can write a novel” book. I’m guessing the book I’m working on at the time will be my favorite until I move on the next one.
How do you balance writing with your life?
Balance writing with my life is the hardest part. I work 40 plus hours as a technical writer and am the mother of two grade school daughters. I have to carve out time to write either early, early morning or late at night. I recently participated in NaNoWriMo and pounded out the rough draft of Take Your Time from 10:00 PM until midnight every night in November. I can’t keep that pace up throughout the year as I start to look like a walking zombie and my family won’t talk to me.
How old were you when you wrote your first book and what was it about?
I was 41 when I wrote my first book. It is about a woman who retreats to her grandmother’s cottage on a lake for the summer to relax and deal with the panic attacks she’s been experiencing. She has an eight year old daughter and has recently divorced her verbally abusive husband. While on her long vacation she reconnects with the boy she had a major crush on as a teenager.
Where do your ideas come from?
That’s a hard one for me to answer. Little bits come from my life and from that of those around me. Most of the time though, an idea will just form as I’m typing and I go with it.
Do you have a writing quirk?
I don’t think I really have any writing quirks, except I like it to be quiet when I’m writing. If the kids are fighting or I’m getting interrupted every five minutes, I get frustrated.
Pantser or Planner?
I’m more of a pantser especially when it comes to writing. Other times though like if I’m making a major purchase I’ll research and plan.
Do you pick out dream casts for your books? If so, what's your favorite so far? Actually, I haven’t really done this yet.
What do you use to motivate yourself to keep writing through the tough spots?
When I’m having a tough spot, I’ll look back over a good review of my last book or read an email from a positive email from one of my readers (I save them just for that purpose!)
Do you create a playlist for your works?
No. I can’t write with music playing. It distracts me too much.
What is your current WIP about? (Possible title, characters, setting, etc.)
My current WIP is called “Take Your Time.” The main characters are Maddy and Mason and it is set at Lake of the Pines again. Maddy is in town for her sister Liv’s wedding (the main character from Take A Deep Breath). She’s just graduated from college with a degree in photography. She spent most of her college life taking photos and studying. In experienced on the dating scene, she thinks she’ll be single forever. Her college roommate convinces Maddy to go on a blind date with her older brother Mason.
Share one sentence from your book, no explanations, just one sentence.
His dark eyes caught and held hers a moment as he slowly brought a smile to his lips, raised his hand and waved.
Coke vs Pepsi?
Diet Coke
Chocolate vs Vanilla? Vanilla
Cake vs Ice Cream? Ice Cream
Night owl or Early bird? Night Owl
Favorite genre to read? Romance
What was your favorite book as a child? The B Book
Do you think we dream in color or that we wake up and remember it in color? Dream in color.
What's your favorite food? Lasagna
What type of food could you never live without? Ice Cream
If you meet one person, living or dead, who would it be and why? My Grandma Avina died when I was in my twenties. I miss her a lot.
If you were stuck on a desert island, what would you take with you (limit 4 items)? My kindle (loaded with books), my iPhone (loaded with music and photos of my kids), a blanket and bug spray.
Favorite show growing up? Growing Pains
If you could have one super power, what would it be and why? Telepathy - I would love to know what people are thinking.
What would your superhero name be? Hmmm. Not good at these - Super Shar. I know lame.
What do you think the future will hold? I have no idea, but I hope it involves spending time with my family and friends, becoming a successful romance author and time to escape into a good book.

Shar Dimick started writing stories and poems as a grade-schooler. The passion for writing has followed her throughout her life. Whether writing a short story, a blog entry, a newspaper article, a technical software manual or a chapter in her next novel, not a day goes by where she isn't writing something. Cousin to her love for writing, Shar's also an avid reader of romance novels from contemporary to historical. Drawn to the genre from an early age, it seemed natural that her first novel, Take a Deep Breath, be a romance.
Shar holds a Master of Arts in English from Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. She is the mother of two daughters and a step son. Shar lives in Wauseon, Ohio