Her name was Murielle Freeman. She was born in France.
Isn't she beautiful?
A few years ago, this world lost this amazing woman and it became a little less bright for it.
So in honor of my mom's birthday, I have a request. I don't know how many of you guys actually read my posts that don't have anything to do with giveaways, it doesn't really matter in the end. This request is a simple- if your mom (or mom like figure is still walking the earth) make sure on this day, you take the time to let her know how much you love her. Give her a hug, call her just to say I love you. Share an inside joke. Do something that makes a memory on this day.

Perhaps you'll feel like you can conquer it. It's true, you will survive it, but there will be moments- snapshots of your life where you want your mom and if she isn't there you'll want as many memories to fall back on.

So I ask that you go out of your way to add to your memories. It doesn't have to be a big thing, it can be a simple act of sharing a story from your week.

You'll miss it when you can't. When the chances are all gone, that's it. You'll only have your memories to fall back on.
Let me help you build some to help you through the rough spots that life might throw your way and you'll crave the loving words of your mom.
Enjoy what you have! Embrace this day!