She's giving away a Kindle copy of ALMOST AN OUTLAW and LAID TO REST! So make sure you comment!
What made you decide to become a writer?
I had a teacher tell me I could be a writer. That planted the seed in my mind and over the years, it took root and grew until here I am!
What do you like most and least about writing?
The thing I like most is the creative part and the surprises that come as a story and characters develop. To me, that’s the most exciting part of the process. What do I like the least? The business side of it.
What advice do you have for beginning writers?
Study the craft but don’t be overwhelmed by the rules. You will also need to come up with a plan to work in writing along with all your other activities. That is the hard part and where I see the majority of writers fail.
Are you a plotter or pantser?
I am some of both. I always have a storyboard but there are times when the story deviates from it, so I revise the plot accordingly. I can’t write not knowing where I am headed.
Where do you get ideas for your stories?
Mostly from books, history, movies and life in general.
What encouragement can you give writers who face rejection?
You are not alone. All writers get rejected and this continues after you sell. It is the nature of the business and the market. Remember you are producing a product, which is something most of us overlook. You have to keep sending it out to new buyers. If you are lucky, your product will be in demand. Also, your product might not in demand now, but later on, that can change. Markets and rejections are fluid. Plus, there is always independent publishing, which is a great way to get your work to readers!
What is the most difficult thing about being a writer?
For me, it is time. I work full-time and writing is a second job. I’m fortunate that I don’t have many demands on my time after I finish up the day-job. But, I still like to have time to kick back but there is very little of that.

Patricia Ann Preston wrote her first short story in the sixth grade. Ever since then, she has been writing stories. Maybe that comes from being a Southerner and being surrounded by great storytellers. She enjoys writing romantic adventures with larger-than-life characters, and quirky, humorous stories set in the American South. Her stories include Amazon Best Sellers in Comedy: “The Yard Sale” and “Laid to Rest.” Also, she has a historical romance, Almost an Outlaw, available as well.
You can follow her on Twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/pat_preston
and Like her Facebook page at http://on.fb.me/ugF43b