"Hey! Everyone! I have a new release! Yes! That's right! I've released Dead to Bites! Go buy it!"
You know that Indie writers only get to have to the ability to be indie writers because awesome people take the time to buy them. We thank you guys on a daily basis for your patronage. I am super excited to be able to release my own books when I want to.
Dead to Bites didn't originally start out as a novel turned series. It was supposed to be a short story, but I got too invested in the story and I just couldn't stop writing! And thus the Kat Purrowells Series was born.
So here's the blurb for it:
Kat Purrowells is an occult anthropologist. She thought she would be teaching what she knew at a local college, instead she was roped into working for a secretive government agency, P.N.I., Paranormal Investigations. There are murders in the San Fernando Valley of Southern California, Kat has been sent in to try and help catch these supernatural killers, but will the cost be her life?
Makes you wanna read it huh? Just a note for potential readers, yes there is sex in this book, it is not a PG book... and I swear... So there is my language and explicit content warning. Go buy it anyways! LOL!
CreateSpace for the actual PRINT version. (Gotta wait a week for it to hit Amazon)
Smashwords eBook versions including mobi just in case you just don't like Amazon.
Barnes and Noble still hasn't gotten the file up yet, but as soon as it does I'll link it on the Dead to Bites page.
As soon as Smashwords approves it for the catalog it will go to iTunes, Sony and the rest.
Okay, that's for now. I'm working on the sequel, Fur the Record, which I hope to finish in the next few months. I'm also working on Bella Tristezza, the third book in the Bella Vampires Series. Bella Vita, book 2, will be out in the next few months.
I'm done.... for now! BWAHAHAHA! Have an awesome Fourth of July if you celebrate it, if not just enjoy tomorrow!