We would sit on the couch, occasionally getting up to pop a popper or refill our glass of child wine (sparkling cider). She spent so much time trying to make sure that the experience was amazing. She never wanted me to be bored with life. We'd watch old time movies or how New Year's was celebrated around the world.
One year, she filled our hallway with balloons full of paper punch outs- you know from when you are making a 3-hole punch. I held my nephew in my arms, he must have been 4 or 5 at the time and he tightly clutched a sewing needle between his little kid fingers. The balloons dangled from the ceiling, awaiting their moment of ultimate destruction. I walked him around the tightly enclosed space. POP! POP! POP! The balloons exploded in a musical rain of paper and balloon parts. The downstairs neighbor came up and pounded on the door with his meaty fist. Apparently we had woken him up. But it didn't matter, no, we were busy enjoying the passing of the old into the new.

So many memories of years drifting into the history of my life, but none of them would be what they were if it wasn't for my mom and her always trying to make the moment memorable. I can only hope to be as cool a mom as she was to my kids...
Maybe this year we'll create our own holiday to honor the silly antics of our parents as we were growing up!
You've read my memory or at least skimmed it...I want you to leave a comment with the best silly antic your parent/spouse/sibling/friend ever did that when you look back, it makes you smile. At the end of the day I will giveaway 3 digital copies of Bella Notte (or you could opt for a digital of Brody and the Skypirates, but it's best shown in color) and ONE special person will get their name featured as a character (not necessarily a large role) in my third book in the Bella Series, Bella Tristezza! Have your namesake immortalized!
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