BERK AND ANDY WASHBURN, aka “The Brothers Washburn,” are
both lawyers by profession, writers at heart. They grew up together roaming the wastelands of the Mojave Desert, where most of the series is set. Both brothers returned from lengthy and successful careers in the wastelands of the law to write YA horror stories based on the wastelands of their youth. They currently live north of Denver, Colorado.
The Dimensions in Death series is merely the beginning of the
ingenious and spine-tingling world of the Brothers Washburn. Be on your guard, people, there is a new Grimm in town.

"Trona is a small, smoggy, mostly insignificant town in California. Besides a booming chemical plant, the only thing that characterizes this dismal town is dirt, sagebrush, and an enormous abandoned mansion.
The mansion is, admittedly, the only notable addition to Trona, but it's something everyone tries to avoid due to its creepy facade. Everyone except for Camm Smith, who is obsessed with the need to get inside.
Seven years earlier, as Camm herded a pack of little trick-or-treaters past the mansion, her young neighbor, Hughie, disappeared, becoming one of the many children who have vanished from Trona over the years without a trace. Now a senior in high school, Camm is still haunted by the old tragedy, and is sure the answer to the mysterious disappearances lies hidden somewhere in the decaying mansion. Joining forces with her best friend, Cal, who also happens to be Hughie's older brother, Camm naively begins a perilous search for the truth.
As things spiral quickly out of control, and others die, Camm and Cal discover it will take all their combined ingenuity to stay alive. An unseen evil lurking deep within the bowels of the mansion is now hunting them. To make matters worse, they become entangled with hostile federal agents, who will do all they can to keep old secrets permanently hidden.
Left with only their wit and seemingly ineffective firearms, Camm and Cal know time is running out. Unless they can make sense of the few pieces of the puzzle they manage to unearth, their lives are in danger, and like so many others before them, they may also disappear without a trace."
Creeptastically wonderful! Shouldn't all YA Horror reviews start like that? I think they should. I loved this book. It was creepy, but wasn't so morbidly, twistedly scary that I couldn't sleep. It stuck with me for a bit too. I'd randomly pose questions to my husband about the possibility of such things happening- he might believe me to be even nuttier than I was before.
I really loved the characters! I'll tell you a secret, I was rooting for Hughie. I won't ruin things by saying more. about that.
The Brothers Washburn really have a nack for weaving the necessary elements together to creature a wonderful little horror book and I promise you, by the end I wanted to know more! I want to know WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? TELL ME! NOW, NOW, NOW! It's one of those books that draw you and you want to know.
The character arcs are great and I really enjoyed how the Brothers developed them. Their attention for detail is definitely something that makes this book!
I highly recommend to anyone looking for a creepy book. I didn't pee my pants or stay up for days afraid to go to sleep. It's a good read.

- Did you always want to be a writer? If not, then what?
Berk: Though I have been a business lawyer for about 35 years, for much that time, I have been drafting and saving story outlines for possible novels that I hope to write one day.
- Do your readers contact you? If so, what do they say?
- For aspiring writers, what three pieces of good advice would you give them?
- Keep writing (experimenting) all the time, b. Experience all the good you can find in life, and c. Get to know lots of different kinds of people.
- Do you have a favorite of your own books?
- How do you balance writing with your life?
Berk: I’m still trying to figure out how to balance my life’s priorities, and writing is a priority.
- How old were you when you wrote your first book and what was it about?
Berk: 58 years old. It was a sci-fi adventure in an alternate universe.
- Where do your ideas come from?
Berk: I have always been a daydreamer.
- Do you have a writing quirk?
Berk: I have to organize my surrounding environment. Once everything around me is in order, then I can detach from the world and write.
- Pantser or Planner?
Berk: I’m definitely a planner. I’m always making lists and outlines.
- Do you pick out dream casts for your books? If so, what's your favorite so far?
Berk: No.
- What do you use to motivate yourself to keep writing through the tough spots?
Berk: I don’t force it. I stop, leave the house, pick up some fast food, and then I come back refreshed and ready to move the story forward. Fresh ideas just come when I’m eating.
- Do you create a playlist for your works?
Berk: No.
- What is your current WIP about? (Possible title, characters, setting, etc.)
Berk: In the first book, we meet two teenagers, Camm and Cal, who are destined by their wit, pluck and luck (not always good) to become the balancing force on this side of a quantum door, disguised as a mansion. They must stand against the door’s guardian, the visitors who might want to use the door in search of easy prey and the forces of the U.S. Government who are using the door to access unlimited natural resources. Camm is the brains, Cal is the muscle and together they make a formidable team when they decide to work together. They are joined by an FBI agent, Special Agent Linda Allen, who is smart, resourceful and not easily intimidated by those protecting the government’s secret. In Pitch Green, our heroes are introduced to the mansion and its guardian while being hurled from one scene of horror to the next. They barely have time to catch their breath or scratch the surface of what is happening, and they do not understand the nature of what they face. Though their intentions are good, by the end of the first book, they leave the quantum door wide open and unguarded.
- Share one sentence from your book, no explanations, just one sentence?
Berk: “You taste like vomit.”
- Coke vs. Pepsi?
Berk: Dr. Pepper
- Chocolate vs. Vanilla?
Berk: I go back and forth.
- Cake vs. Ice Cream?
Berk: Cheetos
- Night owl or Early bird?
Berk: I am more alert in the morning, but often work past midnight.
- Favorite genre to read?
Berk: SciFi
- What was your favorite book as a child?
Berk: Anything by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
- Do you think we dream in color or that we wake up and remember it in color?
Berk: I dream in color.
- What's your favorite food?
Berk: Chipotle
- What type of food could you never live without?
Berk: Mexican
- If you meet one person, living or dead, who would it be and why?
- If you were stuck on a desert island, what would you take with you (limit 4 items)?
- Favorite show growing up?
- If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?
Berk: The ability to fly, so I could go wherever I want, whenever I want.
- What would your superhero name be?
Berk: Berk
- What do you think the future will hold?
Thank you both for the fun interview!