Anyone that is totally against low-calorie stuff (I'll raise my hand to this one because I typically am!)... this stuff is TASTY! My kids stole them when I wasn't looking. I thought they were great... even my husband liked them! Any product that says that it's low in fat, tasty, and everyone in the house enjoys... it's a win! Honestly, I wanted to horde them away from everyone- but I ended up sharing them.

This is a total Puffs house. There's a box of Puffs Plus Lotion sitting right next to me as I type this. I love it! I've tried other brands, but they're just not as kind a sensitive noses when they need them the most! And anything that works well with my kids (especially when they don't feel well!) is a blessing. Puffs is the only tissue we use. Puffs plus Lotion is a great tissue. We buy them regularly!

I absolutely LOVE Duct tape. I use it for everything! I've fallen in love with the new vanity tapes that are out. This little duckling is a great little sample of the great tape that's out there. My husband has use buy a roll of the regular sized when pigs fly tape... just because he needs to have when pigs fly. :) As much as I wanted to make something awesome with the great tape... but it magically disappeared for practical use. But it works just as well as regular tape. Great for anyone that uses Duct tape like me, but wants it to look prettier or fun and funky!

This is a great trio of eyeshadow in basic neutral colors. It has a great amount of shimmer to it. I totally fell in love with it. I love the colors, the way it goes on, it doesn't smudge and come off unless you want it to. It's one of those ideal sets for those that love neutral colors and like to do different colors of the different parts of your lid. A definite need for anyone that loves to do their eye makeup!

This lip lacquer is a great lip cover. It goes on smooth and even. It's a nice even shade. It doesn't clump up or make your lips feel gross or sticky. It stays on too, but doesn't stain the lips. It was easy enough to take it of my 2 yr old after she wanted to be like mommy and put some on too! It's a great lip lacquer and would be perfect for those that enjoy nice lip color!