The Derma Roller is a hand-held device which has the ability to naturally stimulate collagen and elastin in the skin to promote healthier skin cells. Using the Derma Roller to renew your skin cells regularly, you will be able to treat common problems such as wrinkles, skin hyperpigmentation, scars (including acne scars), uneven skin, stretch marks and even hair loss.
Here's what I think:
I'll be honest, I was a little frightened of this. I'm not afraid of needles, but it was harder for me to decide that I was going to drag little needles across my skin. I can't say the long term changes. Like I said, it took me a minute to willingly do this one.
So there's 3 to 4 weeks between sessions. So far, I've done one. Here's what I can tell you, on the 1.0 mm needles, it isn't as scary as you think. But you might be freaked out. It looks like a tiny cactus waiting to be rubbed across you skin - for me, it was my tummy. It feels like the initial strokes of a new tattoo. My hubby did it for me, and he was gentle and probably thinking I had lost my damn mind. But he did one side then the other - the second side seemed to feel it more than the first.
My skin was red, obviously, after doing it. But within ten minutes it had already started to fade away. I'll keep everyone posted on whether or not this works. :)
*I received the Derma Roller System free in exchange for an honest review from