- File Size: 275 KB
- Print Length: 148 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Publisher: Elizabeth A Reeves (July 9, 2013)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- Source: I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
- Rating: 5/5
Goldie Locke and her Magical menagerie return in another thrilling addition to the Goldie Locke and the Were Bears series.
Goldie's life has been in upheaval ever since a bite from a were bear has rendered her caught somewhere between were and witch. As she struggles with this transformation she is hired to find heiress Paige Turner, whose kidnapping involves vampires, ancient legends, and a series of brutal murders.
Does Goldie have the strength and courage to face the danger that lies ahead in rescuing Paige, when she herself is trying to adapt to her new way of life?
With the whole world hanging in the balance, she has no choice but to try.
I love Elizabeth's writing style. I love her characters, I love the settings, I love the imagination! She did an amazing job with this and it has SO MANY WHAT HAPPENEDs! Please tell me what happened!!! It is the perfect second book in the series. It does everything you want it to- the story is entertaining (why aren't they?), there is the hope of romance, craziness, and enough cliff hangers to leave you in a state of OMG! I love that there is some closure to the story, but there is a lot that is left for you wonder and hope the next book is just around the next corner.
Goldie is a freaking amazing character! There is something about her that is just perfect, she's also written in a real way. Some of the things she says, I've said. She has universal problems- even if she doesn't like them! I love it! Great character development and arc!
The story is well written and done in a way that keeps bringing you back! Tell me, please, that you are writing the next one, Elizabeth!
This is a great recommendation! READ IT!
Legend has it that Elizabeth A Reeves was born with a book in her hands and immediately requested a pony. Though this story is questionable, it is true that books and horses have been consistent themes in her life. Born in Massachusetts, she was quickly transplanted to Arizona by a professor father and creativity-driven mother, who is the one responsible for saying "If you can't find a book that you want to read, write a book you want to read."
In her spare time, she likes to knit, weave, hatch chickens, and chase after her husband and four sons.
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