- Reading level: Ages 18 and up
- Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
- Publisher: Berkley; Original edition (October 2, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0425251608
- ISBN-13: 978-0425251607
- Source: I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
- Flames: 0
- Rating: 5/5
There’s always something to gossip about in Savannah, Georgia, and Reagan Summerside always seems to be in the middle of it. She’s busy enough running her consignment shop, The Prissy Fox, with her vivacious Auntie KiKi, but now the gossip—and the sales—are about to pick up after a gruesome discovery…
Reagan’s messy divorce has left her with nothing but a run-down Victorian and a bunch of designer clothes. Strapped for cash, Reagan makes use of the two things she has left, turning the first floor of her home into a consignment shop and filling it with the remnants of her rich-wife wardrobe.
Thanks to his cunning lawyer Walker Boone, her ex got everything else, including the Lexus—not to mention a young blond cupcake. When Reagan finds the cupcake dead in the Lexus, she’s determined to beat Boone to finding the murderer. As it turns out, the gossip fiends flooding Reagan’s shop will give her a lot more than just their unwanted clothes—they have information more precious than a vintage Louis Vuitton…
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This book was like eating a good peach pie: you eat it, savoring each bit, find you've consumed it, feel the disappointment of it being gone, enjoy the memory of the deliciousness of it, then want to reach for more!
Yep, that sums it up! I don't read tons of mysteries, and definitely haven't read any lately that don't have sex thrown in. I think the world that Duffy creates is amazing.
I love Reagan and man do I ever feel for her and her name!
This book is great! It has mystery, intrigue and so many possibilities that you just don't know the answer until it is blaring you in the face. Well done, Duffy!
Her characters are amazing- even BW. Can I just say that I want a Boone... I feel like there is something there, is there something, Duffy? Is there?!
Anyways, back on track. This book has a fab setting, the work is done well, and it doesn't giveaway whodunit in the beginning!
I highly recommend it for all mystery lovers! It's a great read!
Hey, Duffy, when you release book 2, if you need a reviewer, I'll happily do it. *hint, hint* :0)

Duffy Brown loves anything with a mystery. While other girls dreamed of dating Brad Pitt, Duffy longed to take Sherlock Holmes to the prom. She has two cats, Spooky and Dr. Watson, and works at a consignment shop when she’s not busy conjuring up who-done-it stories.
Facebook: facebook.com/authorduffybrown
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://www.duffybrown.com/