- Paperback: 44 pages
- Publisher: Birch Tree Publishing (February 10, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0615602746
- ISBN-13: 978-0615602745
- Source: I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
- Rating: 5/5
A children's fantasy book telling the tale of the courageous and resourceful little Nimpentoad, who leads his tribe of Niblings through the perilous Grunwald Forest, overcoming obstacles and encountering strange creatures along the way. Kids aged 5-10 enjoy the adventure and stunning illustrations. Parents appreciate a story that discourages bullying, and emphasizes teamwork, creativity, perseverance, and leadership.
The entire book is inspirational because young kids wrote it. They had a dream and put it out there for the world to see. That in itself is amazing. The fact that the story is awesome and holds kids attention and has a great message behind it, makes this book a must have.
It's short enough for young readers, and I hope that when the authors get older that they'll write YA because I think they would make great YA fantasy writers as well.
I highly recommend this book to all parents and young readers. It's a great read!
Josh and Harrison Herz are elementary school students who enjoy fantasy stories. Josh's hobbies include parkour, building with LEGOs, and painting Warhammer miniatures. Harrison plays basketball, and collects Yu-gi-oh cards and KidRobot vinyl figures. Both are big fans of The Lord of the Rings, the annual Comic-Con convention, and have an entrepreneurial bent. With design help from their dad, they started three web-based businesses selling LEGO party favors, custom cast bases for Warhammer, and painted concrete yard sculptures. Henry Herz's love of the fantasy genre began in elementary school with "Where the Wild Things Are" and "The Lord of the Rings," and continued by playing Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer. Struck by inspiration one day, Henry began a fun project with his two bright young sons, who share his joy of entering the magical realms of fantasy. Together, they wrote this tale. By day, Henry is a management consultant who also teaches after school enrichment for elementary school children.