- Paperback: 280 pages
- Publisher: HIS Publishing Group (January 31, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0985023201
- ISBN-13: 978-0985023201
- Source: I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
- Stars: 3.5
- Flames: 0
Todd and Randy are young scientists selected for the first interstellar expedition. Their accidental discovery of a diabolical political conspiracy sets them on a lethal collision course with Earth's power elite.
They soon discover that wealth, intelligence, and determination aren't enough to survive... they'll need someone of greater power to watch their back.
Overall the book was an interesting read. A different take on the downfall of Earth as we know it. I really liked the elaborate explanation that is used to show why the Earth is ultimately dying. It gave me nightmares. Man, did we screw up the planet! I also liked how Ivis captured a father's love for his daughter.
I want to give it more stars but there were just some things that didn't quite sit right for me as a reader. There isn't a lot of foreshadowing. It looked like there was maybe one attempt, but then it was forgotten. There is also the element of God dropped in. When I say "dropped" I mean dropped. It just sort of hits you from left side and then keeps walking. I feel like it needed to be threaded throughout the entire book, not just thrown in there.
I also couldn't connect with Todd. He seemed to lack a realness to him. I know he's supposed to be a rich kid that doesn't have a lot of friends, but his personality and way he interacted even with Randy wasn't on par for a teen his age- even one that is supposed to be way more mature than his age. He seemed more like an AI than a real person- perhaps that is something that Ivis wanted and plans on using later in the series. I don't know.
I'd recommend this book for people that like sci-fi, futuristic fantasy. Or those that dig a twist to the end of the world.
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- Paperback: 276 pages
- Publisher: HIS Publishing Group (February 1, 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 098502321X
- ISBN-13: 978-0985023218
- Source: I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
- Stars: 4
- Flames: 0.5 (a kiss)
Todd Ward and his two friends learn that warships are under construction for the purpose of enslaving interstellar human colonies. Out-numbered and out-gunned, they challenge the diabolical plan, knowing they must be willing to pay the ultimate price to protect the colonists.
Horrific events will drive them to consider unthinkable alternatives. Who will survive and at what cost?
I liked this book more than the first one. I felt like Ivis developed the characters further and made them more approachable. The space battles were AWESOME!
The physics was believable behind the zero and low-G combat. There was barely a minute of this book that I wasn't holding my breath hoping that the characters would pull it off.
The description of the destruction of the Earth is very thought out and detailed.
The God element was threaded better throughout this book. A much improvement on the first one.
It's a quick read. I would've liked it to be longer.
I recommend this book to the same people as the first book.
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Ivis Bo Davis is the author of the XTERRA Series, Christian, speculative fiction novels set a hundred years in the future. Intrigued at mankind's lust for control, he marvels at their endless conspiracies and ruthless attempts to gain power.
His stint in the U.S. Navy as an aviation electrician and his later years as a Field Service Engineer brought him into contact with advancing technologies, whetting his interest in the sciences. Out of this passion the XTERRA Series was born, a boiling pot of space adventure mixed with political conspiracy.
Bo grew up on potato farms outside the tiny communities of Hansen and Filer in southern Idaho. At the age of eight, his father placed a mattress in the back of his truck and allowed Bo and his brother to sleep under a sky full of stars, birthing Bo's fascination for outer space. Today, he writes science fiction so he can explore the Galaxy by traveling to far-flung fictional planets.
He resides in Garland, Texas, with his lovely wife, Elaine, and their white blue-eyed cat named Lenny.