Grand Prize 1: Winner's Choice of a Kindle Fire or Nook Tablet
Grand Prize 2: Winner's Choice of a $90 Amazon or Barnes&Noble Gift Card
Hot damn! If only I could enter! Hee hee!
Okay, from my awesome self you could get a $10 gift card to Amazon! Woot woot! Read on to find out how to enter!
So I thought in honor of the wee little people, I would share with you guys some of the strange traditions that happen around St. Patrick's Day.. you know, the stuff you didn't know before and probably could've lived your entire life without finding out! Good thing I thought of this blog, huh? :0)

When you come into O'Neil, Nebraska you are greeted with a huge shamrock on the highway. And just to top that off, they have an Irish festival that includes none other than a dramatic reading of Green Eggs and Ham. What doesn't say Irish quite like green eggs and ham...

First, if you wanna know if you won, follow my blog! Easy peasy!
Second, please 'like' me on Facebook
Feel free to snag a copy of one of my books too! :0)