Eva Pohler writes fiction for teens and adults and teaches writing and literature at The University of Texas at San Antonio, where she lives with her husband, three kids, two dogs, and two rats. She’s also an avid lover of books and animals.
- Website http://www.evapohler.com/
- Blog http://www.teenbookpix.blogspot.com/
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Fifteen-year-old Therese watches her parents die. While in a coma, she meets the twin sons of Hades—Hypnos, the god of sleep, and Thanatos, the god of death. She thinks she's manipulating a dream, not kissing the god of death and totally rocking his world.
Than makes a deal with Hades and goes as a mortal to the Upperworld to try and win Therese's heart, but not all the gods are happy. Some give her gifts. Others try to kill her.
The deal requires Therese to avenge the death of her parents. With the help of Than’s fierce and exotic sisters, the Furies, she finds herself in an arena face to face with the murderer, and only one will survive.
As for the story, it is freaking AWESOME! I used to love mythology, it was one of those things you learn about in Six Grade and it stuck with me, unlike so many of my classmates. I found that Eva did a wonderful job of bringing each of the Gods and Goddesses to life in a new and fantastic sort of way.
I fell in love with Than and his brother, I swear I've met that brother combo before in real life- which makes it even better because it's believable. I really felt for him as he went through what was going on (see my attempt not to give anything away!).
Therese is a real kind of girl. She also is a strong character, which I love. It great how Eva was able to to make this girl into someone that the reader could see themselves in or being friends with. Maybe she has some personality traits that we find familiar or just her situation to an extent. Whatever it is for the reader, it makes her someone we can really connect with.
I love that Therese is also a bleeding heart. I can totally relate.
Eva does an amazing job bringing the world she's created to life. Her characters are well developed and amazing, the story itself doesn't have giant gaping holes of inconsistencies for you to fall into never to return from. It is a freaking awesome read.
I highly recommend it!